Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Weekend with Hubby!!!!! XOXOXOXO

We had a wonderful time at Hotel Galvez
in Galveston and the first weekend to ourselves
this summer!!!!! It was wonderful!!!!! Thank you to
my Mom and Dad for letting this happen!!!! Steven
Richard got to go on vacation to Grandma and Grandpa's
and Mommy and Daddy went on a date!!!! He was SO
sweet when I got back he said I missed you Mommy,
my heart melted and then he asked how my date was??!!
It was so cute!! We had a wonderful, relaxing time!!!!!
Looking forward to my next break in Dec. Love you Steven!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Ya'll so deserved this.. I am glad you had a nice little getaway before school starts. Love the pics!


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~Stephanie Hurst~