Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!!!! Prayers Please...

This is SUCH a WONDERFUL time of the year to stop
and appreciate everything and everyone!! I am so
thankful for everyone and everything in my life!
I have learned things from everyone and I am thankful
I was able to spend the day with my son baking a
pumpkin pie from a pumpkin!! You see my grandmother
used to make this for my Dad, she is 91 now and not
able to do this so there was alot of hard work yesterday but
it was truely magical to listen to my favorite German music
and to be cooking with my son!!!!! It really in a way brought
me closer to my grandma and it meant so much to me! So I am thankful
to have had this time with my son and thankful that I was actually
physically able to do this! Yes I am thankful to be physically able,
there is so much we all seem to take for granted, a friend of ours son,
was recently (2 wks ago) in a motorcycle accident. His son is 18,
just graduated from high school and was planning on going into the
marines. He is still in shock trauma ICU just woke up from being
unconscious yesterday, Dr. Red Duke worked on him. So beleive
it or not, he is on the better end of the shock trauma unit.
He has more surgeries to go through and at this time can
not use his hands but we are praying for a full recovery.
This time has been extremely hard for this family. Steven
spent the evening yesterday with the Dad, Steven does computer
work for his shop and he expressed the hardship him, his wife,
and daughters are going through, they just want there son to recover,
they have been taking turns staying at the hospital. Logan used to play
with Steven Richard when Steven would go by there after work to work
on there computers. We all really hope and pray for this family, that the
good lord keeps them and protects them. So this Thanksgiving do not forget
to give thanks to who matters most. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.


  1. Steven10:19 AM

    The pie's are fantastic. The best pumpkin pies ever. Steven Richard really enjoyed helping.

    We are really praying for Jim's son. We are thankful that he is still with us and for the progress that he has made in his recovery. The Trauma Surgeons at Memorial Herman are real miracle workers. We will be praying for them.

  2. Carolyn and Rick10:22 AM

    Happy THanksgiving! Yes, we are blessed in so many ways. We thank God everyday. The pumpkin pies were great and this to was a wonderful gift. Your Dad appriciates the time spent on baking and the many wonderful memories that this brought back to him. Thank you!

    Mom and Dad


Thanks for leaving sweet comments!
I love to read them!

~Stephanie Hurst~