Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Happy New Year 2012!!!!

Our Resolutions...to make it through this year!!!! With Steven's last semester of his Associates in Engineering now and then transferring to get his bachelors this will be a tough year so we are going to try to enjoy all the time we have to spend together as a family. I am going to try to eat better and get my heart rate up even for 20-30 min. a day I have got to get oxygen pumping through so I have more energy!!!! So far day 3 and SUCCESS I have had 20 min. a day! I am making it fun too! Tennis, walking with mom tonight and bicycling! I can not wait till this weather gets warmer!!!! And we also would love to welcome a new baby!!!!! So this will be a busy year no matter what! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys had a great new years! Happy New Year!


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~Stephanie Hurst~