We had a very nice Valentine's!!!!! It started off with us going to our regular Mom and Pop Italian restarunt for dinner! Which I was not thinking we would do on Valentine's since Steven had class! He surprised me and and took me to dinner instead! Then the next day I got Valentine's from my boys when they came home!
I was very shocked and it was tooooo sweet! My favorite was the Star Wars cards!!!!!!!! I am LOVING Star Wars now! Thanks to my son never saw the movies or had any interest till now and I LOVE it!!!! Thats our thing together now! :) I took him to the 3D movie the night it came out and then that weekend we started re-doing his room!!!!! We are in LOVE!!!! We found our match and it is exciting!!!!!! :) Well that was our Valentine's and Star Wars inspiration! Wishing lots of huggs and kisses to you all!!!!!!
Very cute! So glad ya'll had a nice time.