Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Circus and Our Weekend Update!!!!

We had a great time at the circus!!!! We sat close and Steven Richard enjoyed his snow cone and I had to get a DVD of it so we can have circus night at home too if we want! It was great! Excuse the cell phone pics thats all I had. Before the circus we had a visit with Dr. Adam Baby is right on track with 20 weeks in growth to the T hoping things stay that way! She sent orders to Texas Children's they should call us this week to tell us when we need to go she just wants someone to check out the heart. On the ultrasound looks like it is beating good and all 4 chambers are there so I am very positive about it. So we go there then in two weeks I go to the endocrinologist and then to Dr. Adam again... so lots of appointments these next three weeks...then hopefully all will stay good and we will be in the clear. I am honestly tired of the medical center! Been going a bit much! This is more than when I had Steven Richard! Glad things are looking good and it was obvious as I went and did some baby shopping!!!!!! It was FUN!!!!! And of course I got a bit carried away but am really getting excited!!!!! :)

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~Stephanie Hurst~