Monday, August 13, 2012

Katelynn's 5th Birthday Party!!!!

Katelynn was SO cute!
I cannot believe she will be 5!!!!!!!!!!!
He loved the Pizza! Me too!

Somebody was not that into Jusin Bieber....
All he wanted to do was go skate after the pizza. He was not even into the cake! Boys!
Such a cutie! :)

I was very impressed!
He has talent and drive for sure he did not want to stop!

Off he goes! Happy Birthday to Katelynn we had a wonderful
time! I loved watching all the kids!


  1. It was good to see y'all! It was a fun party - next time the grown ups need to get out there! LOL

  2. So glad you guys were able to make it out. Love the pics and so glad Steven Richard had fun!


Thanks for leaving sweet comments!
I love to read them!

~Stephanie Hurst~