Thursday, October 18, 2012

Doctor Visit 33.5 Weeks!

So it is getting close!

Appointment went well. She is over 5 pds! She is pretty low. So trying to take it easy... Amniotic fluid getting low will re-check in 2 wks the Oct. 30th appointment I will be 35.5 weeks then!!!!
Thank you to the staff at Women's Pavilion for letting me eat during registration this baby was hungry! Hurray we are officially registered! So should anything happen we are good to go!

This Saturday Steven Richard has a sibling class and child hospital tour at Texas Children's ~ Women's Pavilion! I can not wait to see everything they talk about and that, he is very excited about his "Big Brother Class!" then we have the adult tour. So glad we are getting that out of the way should she decide to come early.


  1. Congratulations on your pregnancy. God bless you and your family.


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~Stephanie Hurst~