Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Visit with the Doctor ~ Visits are getting Better!!!!

She is now a week earlier and 4 pounds 4 oz. Everything is looking good I am SO happy to say! She is now moved and facing down. Next appointment Tues. Oct. 16th need to go to hospital admissions before appointment that day to register. I am getting excited to meet her!!!! :)

Looks like we have to wait and see but the Doctor is still thinking of doing it the week of Thanksgiving not before unless I go into labor sooner on my own (which seems very likely) then they would admit me and do the surgery then. She is on call over Thanksgiving for the office so she is hoping baby holds out till then. Looks like I might be eating turkey in the hospital... was in there over Easter with Steven Richard. Not sure what it is with these babies and holidays but I am very thankful for this blessing we will soon be holding in our arms!!!!! :)

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Thanks for leaving sweet comments!
I love to read them!

~Stephanie Hurst~