Back at home in her room getting ready to organize everything!
We are so blessed to have such great family!
Love this picture Steven's Mom took! All the
November Birthday's including Miss Sophia Rose!
I spot a new Mamma Bear!!!!!
Love the balloons!!!!
Thanks so much to Erin, Emily,
Ed, and Erik for the fantastic diaper cake!!!
Everything was nice! Thank you Candace for having the shower!!!
Love the rose icing!
The games were so fun as usual!
Big Thank you to Aunt Candace for the Owl blanket she made!
Love the card Emily made and the great hair bows!
Was go glad to get all the bath stuff and clothes!
Thank you Aunt Carrie!
Grandma Hurst made this beautiful blanket! So perfect!
All the bath stuff!!!!
Ma made this beautiful blanket! It was so soft!!!
And LOVE the elephant toy from Ma!
Aunt Dawn, Aunt Erin, Baby Kate, and Aunt Carrie
Aunt Candace and Grandma Hurst
Maybe about to sneeze?!
I was not feeling to hot and still am trying to get over this...
Thanks to Aunt Dawn and Rachel for the sleepers!
Everything was so wonderful
and I just want to thank everyone for everything!
Miss Sophia Rose is very blessed to have such a wonderful family!!!
Love everything.. you are so ready!