Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Santa Came!

 Sophia's Presents!
 Steven Richard's Presents!
 Just love my tree! It is still up! 
We have been enjoying it and still watching Christmas shows!
 He woke up and was so happy!
He was surprised he got the bike and said he heard 
Santa bring it down the chimney!
 He said he knew why it took Santa so long
 because of the bike, that he had got up in the night and looked
and nothing was there yet!

 He got his Skylander game!
 He got some Monster Trucks!
 Christopher was with us too, we just love having Christopher too!
 He got TMNT headphones!

 Happy guy!!!!

 New Ipad! Baby girl now has one for herself too!
 Love my girl! Love her hair!
Here she is just waking up!
 Seeing what Santa brought for her!

 She loves her kitty!

 and puppy too!

 Love her Husky backpack!
Here she is ready to go!
Happy Christmas!!!!
We had a great time and so glad to have Christopher with us!
He stayed with us till the morning we left for Colorado!
We love you Christopher very much!
Can not wait to see you in Jan.!!!!

1 comment:

Thanks for leaving sweet comments!
I love to read them!

~Stephanie Hurst~