Thank you Jamie he LOVES Legos!
He has already built this and I need to get a picture!
She was SO proud of this beautiful
hand print of hers!
Singing along Mommy finger Mommy finger where are you?
Here I am here I am how do you do? etc.
SO cute!!!!!!
Working on his legos!
Playing with her Minnie Mouse play doh!
He was so sweet and wanted me to take a picture of him
tucking in Momma Bear!!!!!!! That boy!!!!!! :)
Proud girl!!!!!!! :)
Happy Birthday to Miki!!!!!!
All ready for Mother's Day Out photos!
I need one of these in a cabin!
Man I just LOVE him so much!
Such a cozy evening and we managed to get the best seat in the house!
We needed this time and it was very enlightening conversation!
I love my husband's thirst for knowledge!!!!!
Can't wait for our next journey!!!!! :)
YAY, so glad he likes them!