Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Steven Richard's First Holy Communion!!!!

This was so good and so glad I had it made!
So fun celebrating Steven Richard and his First Holy Communion!
Flowers delivered in honor of Grandma we are going to put on the altar
for the First Holy Communion and Mass in honor of Grandma.
There where 42 receiving First Holy Communion 
this is with Father Marty and the teachers
and the Knights of Columbus!
Some photos I took.
Pray hands!
Sophia was very excited for her Bubby!
She is ready to get her First Holy Communion!
Our family before Steven Richard and I headed to the church!
The bouquet in honor of grandma!
The flowers where so beautiful!!!
We got to the church a few hours ahead to do pictures and flowers,
and get the rosaries blessed by father.
Grandma with Steven Richard!
Grandma and Stevie!
Kneeling at the altar!
By the quilt him and his class made!
May he always know the love of God and the church
and may Gob Bless you always!
Receiving his First Holy Communion with Father Marty
The beautiful flowers in honor of Grandma!
On the altar with Father Marty
Mom and I passing out the rosaries to all the children in honor of Grandma.
Sophia holding the prayer book for Father 
as he does Anniversary and Birthday Blessings!
Here we are in front of the Blessed Virgin Mary 
and below her are the flowers in honor of Grandma!
What a beautiful evening ceremony!!!!!
I was so proud Steven Richard did so good doing the rosary and
then the mass after!!!! We are so proud of all the hard work he has done
and our family for all the help and to us all with all the family retreats and 
Sunday and Wednesday classes it has been a lot of work for us all!
So so so grateful for a supportive family and husband to help guide the way!
May our family alwys be blessed and follow Christ in our heart and in our lives!
Huge thank you to Candace and Erik for always being there and for the
fantastic group pictures! Was so great that there family was able to come
and celebrate and Steven was so excited to get to go spend the night with Carson!!!!
Just a beautiful evening and Steven Richard and I have
been on a journey with this and I am SO proud of him and how
well he has done with everything there just are not enough positive
words!!!! Again super grateful for my family support, husband and parents!!!!!
May God hold us, keep us, and bless us always!

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~Stephanie Hurst~